A treasure island of piano music — Spiegel Online
The Grand Piano label continues to uncover gems of the piano repertoire. — Fanfare

PALMGREN, SELIM (1878–1951)

Complete Piano Works • 1

  • Jouni Somero, piano

Selim Palmgren, a native of Finland and a student of Busoni, was one of the most prominent and prolific Nordic composer-pianists since Edvard Grieg, with works that were widely performed by some of the most notable concert pianists of his day. From early pieces influenced by Chopin via the tour de force of his only surviving Piano Sonata, to the darker Autumn Prologue – this is the first volume of a complete edition that includes première recordings of unpublished works, showcasing every side of Palmgren’s varied character.

This recording was made on a modern instrument: Steinway, Model D


Souvenir de Chopin (1892) (00:01:41)
Intermezzo (1895) (1895) (00:00:53)
Aria (1904) (00:03:41)
Prélude, Op. 1, No. 1 (c1896) (00:01:55)
Illusion, Op. 1, No. 2 (1897) (00:03:01)
Etude, Op. 1, No. 3 (c1898) (00:01:04)
3 Klaverstycken (3 Piano Pieces), Op. 2 (1898) (00:06:00 )
No. 1. Berceuse (00:01:57)
No. 2. Élégie (00:02:30)
No. 3. Vals-Intermezzo (00:01:15)
Tuutulaulu (Cradle Song, Refrain de Berceau) (version for piano) (1903) (00:03:13)
Syysproloogi (Autumn Prologue) (c1926) (00:03:48)
Studie (1906) (00:01:02)
Finnische Lyrik: 12 Klavierstücke (Finnish Lyric Pieces: 12 Pieces for Piano), Op. 22 (c1908) (00:24:00 )
No. 1. Ländliches Bild (Maalaiskuvaus, Pastorale) (00:02:12)
No. 2. Finnische Volksweise (Suomalainen kansanlaulu, Popular Song of Finland) (00:01:47)
No. 3. Paganini (Pieni harjoitelma, Little Study) (00:00:55)
No. 4. Humor (Huumoria, Fun) (00:01:01)
No. 5. Die Glockenblumen (Sinikellot, The Bell-flowers) (00:02:30)
No. 6. Gavotte and Musette (00:02:34)
No. 7. Polska (Finnischer Volkstanz, Dance of Finland) (00:01:15)
No. 8. Lenznacht (Kevätyö, Spring Night) (00:03:56)
No. 9. Serenade (Ständchen) (00:02:06)
No. 10. Walzer aus Österbotten (Pohjalainen valssi, Waltz from Ostrobothnia) (00:01:28)
No. 11. Einsames Lied (Yksinäisen laulu, Solitary Song) (00:01:48)
No. 12. Frühlingseinzug (Kevään tulo, Spring's Arrival) (00:01:40)
Piano Sonata in D Minor, Op. 11 (1901) (00:16:00 )
I. Un poco sostenuto - Allegro (00:06:09)
II. Un poco moderato (00:04:50)
III. Finale: Molto allegro con spirito (00:04:59)
Total Time: 01:05:10

The Artist(s)

Jouni Somero Jouni Somero is one of the most active performers among present Finnish musicians. He has given over 3,100 concerts in many countries worldwide. He studied piano in Switzerland and at the Music Academy in Cologne under Professor Herbert Drechsel, and, under the legendary Hungarian pianist Georges Cziffra, he deepened his knowledge of the interpretation of Liszt’s music. Michael Ponti, the American virtuoso, has also acted as Somero’s musical advisor. Jouni Somero’s recording career began in 1989 (with Liszt’s 12 Transcendental Études), after which he has made over 100 recordings for different labels, including Naxos. His wide repertoire includes all the solo piano works of Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky and Bortkiewicz, as well as seldomly heard music by, among others, Alkan, Godowsky, Rubinstein, Reinhold, Godard, Cui and Gottschalk. He has also made several piano arrangements of orchestral, operatic and pop music, and his YouTube channel has gained millions of views.

The Composer(s)

Selim Palmgren During the first decades of the past century Selim Palmgren, a pupil of Ferruccio Busoni and Conrad Ansorge, was undoubtedly one of the most performed Nordic composers of piano music. His piano works, including hundreds of pieces and five piano concertos, were being widely performed, and even recorded, by some of the greatest pianists of the era, including Ignaz Friedman, Myra Hess, Wilhelm Backhaus, Benno Moiseiwitch and conducted by star conductors the likes of Arthur Nikisch, Leopold Stokowski and Václav Talich, to name a few. Palmgren’s music was being widely published and distributed by well-known music publishers both in the US and in Europe.


Helsingin Sanomat

“A lot to enjoy!” – Helsingin Sanomat

“Grand Piano has taken a hold of Selim Palmgren’s piano music, with an ambitious goal to make a complete recording of it.” – Rondo Classic