A treasure island of piano music — Spiegel Online
The Grand Piano label continues to uncover gems of the piano repertoire. — Fanfare

FARRENC, LOUISE (1804–1875)

Complete Piano Works • 2

  • Maria Stratigou, piano

Highly respected in the 19th-century Parisian music scene, Louise Farrenc was acclaimed as a pianist and admired by Robert Schumann for her compositions. The Theme and Variation sets are among her most significant works for piano. Their content ranges from the humour and playfulness of the Op. 7 set, to the intimacy and melancholy of Op. 6 on the popular aria ‘O ma tendre musette!’ Maria Stratigou’s recording of the Études (GP912–13) was considered ‘beguiling piano music’ in BBC Music Magazine, confirming once again that Farrenc has been unjustly neglected as a composer.


Variations brillantes sur un thème d'Aristide Farrenc, Op. 2 () (00:11:32)
Grandes variations sur l'air Le premier Pas, Op. 4 (version for piano) (1824) (00:18:02)
Variations brillantes sur un thème (air) de La Cenerentola de Rossini, Op. 5 (1830) (00:08:32)
Variations sur l'air favori O ma tendre musette!, Op. 6 () (00:06:57)
Air suisse varié, Op. 7 (1832) (00:08:22)
Variations brillantes sur un thème du Colporteur de G. Onslow, Op. 10 (1828) (00:11:10)
Adieux à la Suisse. Thème de Bruguière, varié () (00:03:44)
Theme and Variations in F Major () (00:02:44)
Theme and Variations in G Major () (00:03:24)
Total Time: 01:14:27

The Artist(s)

Maria Stratigou Dr Maria Stratigou studied at the Conservatory of Athens, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and the Royal Northern College of Music, where she completed her PhD Performance Aspects of Louise Farrenc’s Piano Études. She is currently a teaching associate (Performance) at the University of Sheffield. Stratigou has given lecture-recitals and paper presentations at numerous international conferences on this subject. She has performed across Europe and is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards, including the ’Eleni Tim. Mykoniou’ Prize for Piano (Academy of Athens, 2013) and First Prizes at the Jock Holden Memorial Mozart Piano Prize Competition at the RCS (2008) and various Panhellenic piano competitions.

The Composer(s)

Louise Farrenc Louise Farrenc was one of the most respected pianists and composers in the 19th-century Parisian music scene, and her four sets of Études are her most important compositions for piano. Beautiful melodies and distinctiveness of character have made the Études, Op. 26 the most popular set, but all of these pieces are full of grace and charm alongside their didactic usefulness in their references to the styles both of Farrenc’s musical ancestors and her contemporaries. The Greek pianist Maria Stratigou is one of Louise Farrenc’s greatest exponents and makes her Grand Piano debut with these exquisite rarities.


“Grand Piano and Ms Stratigou are doing sterling service on behalf of Louise Farrenc…” – MusicWeb International