José Antônio Rezende de Almeida Prado referred to his vast set of 18 Cartas Celestes as an “incredible journey”, and the final three were completed just months before his death. Following the luminous Brazilian night skies of No. 13, the poetic references of the final trilogy refer to constellations named after animals, Grecian and Egyptian mythology, and one last homage to a pivotal figure in Brazilian literature. The is the final volume of Aleyson Scopel’s world première recording of the 15 Cartas Celestes for solo piano.
This recording was made on a modern instrument: Hamburg Steinway & Sons Concert Grand Model D
Cartas Celestes No. 13 (2001) * (00:22:09)
Cartas Celestes No. 16, "Magical Animals" (2010) * (00:14:47)
Cartas Celestes No. 17, "Celestial Egypt and Greece" (2010) * (00:11:14)
Cartas Celestes No. 18, "The Sky of Macunaíma" (2010) * (00:13:43)
“Aleyson Scopel reads these works with care and poeticism.” – Gapplegate Classical-Modern Music Review
“Pianist Scopel understands this very well, and indeed it takes a performer of imagination to play this music with convincing authority.” – The Art Music Lounge